Confessions of a Cockney Temple Dancer

Image (c) Martin Dewar
Confessions of a Cockney Temple Dancer
In this new production Shane Shambhu reveals his secret life as a ‘fat kid’ in the cultural melting pot of East London to international performer in a bedazzling mix of comedy, theatre and dance. He rips up ideas of race, language and culture and re-imagines them to leave you with gestures of hope. This is no Bollywood ‘raga to riches’ story, this is the real deal!
- Venue:Charles Burrell Centre, Thetford, IP24 3LH
This event took place as part of the Festival of Norfolk & Punjab
“Brilliant! Hilarious! Heart-warming! Inspiration! Must See!” 5* – British Theatre Guide: Edinburgh 2018
“Confessions does what it says on the tin: a brilliant conversation on dance and identity, with impeccable characterisation and movement, leavened by infectious wit. A one-man tour de force for today.” Jatinder Verma, Director, Tara Arts
This event was part of the Festival of Norfolk & Punjab, which took place 15 June until 3 August across various venues in Norfolk. The Festival was a county wide celebration of the life and achievements of the Duleep Singh family and their contribution to Norfolk. The ‘Duleep Singhs’, the last Royal family of the Punjab were associated with Norfolk for almost a century.